LEARN FROM THE BEST: In our very first online course offering, master guitarist Steve Briggs expands your understanding of chords by walking you through the mechanics of triads and their many practical uses. His time-tested approach uses carefully-crafted exercises, and combines them with practical application using backing tracks to solidify your skills.
As an intermediate player, this comprehensive study of triads will bring your playing and composing to the next level.
A purchase guarantees access for one year.
TRIADS 1 —The Essential Guide to Inversions and Pairings
Lesson 1: Introducing Major and Minor Triads
Lesson 2: C Major and Minor Triads
Lesson 3: Major Harmonized Scales
Lesson 4: Diminished Triads
Lesson 5: Adding the Diminished 7th Chord
Lesson 6: C Major and G Major Harmonized with Spread Triads
Lesson 7: Major Scale Diatonic Chords
Lesson 8: Four to One and Five to One Progressions
Lesson 9: Augmented Triads
Lesson 10: Neighbouring Chords: Pairing the 2 and 7 triads with the Tonic
Lesson 11: Rootless Dominant 7th Chords
PLUS: 11 Play Along Videos
More than 2 hours of on-demand video
- A guitar, and a desire to learn
- Basic finger dexterity (be able to move from chord to chord)
- Knowledge of the basic open chords
- An rudimentary understanding of music theory
A plus, but not essential:
- Knowledge of barre chords
- Knowledge of the notes found on the fretboard